Dear GOD take Coronavirus away!

As Coronavirus plagues our world, affecting China and  other parts of the world 🌍 please let’s take time to pray that  GOD will heal our world! Have mercy, forgive us our sins and purify our land. 

Prayer points

  1. Dear GOD take Coronavirus away from our world and heal us.
  2. Dear LORD restore all that we have lost in your mercy.
  3. Dear LORD give the people dealing with this  virus the wisdom on how to handle it all.
  4. Dear LORD all those needing a miraculous healing, let your power flow and heal them all. 
  5. FATHER give us the heart to follow you all the days of our lives, so we can live pure and holy lives for you

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  2Chron 7:14


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